
Issue Title
Vol 2, No 1 (2021): How to Diagnose Heart Failure and Deal with The Treatment Complexity The Added Value of Bioimpedance Analysis to NT-proBNP in Predicting Short-term outcome in Acute Heart Failure Patients Abstract  PDF
Putri Annisa Kamila, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Setyasih Anjarwani, Djanggan Sargowo, Anna Fuji Rahimah, Indra Prasetya, Muhammad Rizki Fadlan, Salvatore Di Somma
Vol 1, No 4 (2020): Acute Coronary Syndrome in Daily Practice : Diagnosis, Complication, and Management Validation of Saiful Anwar Clinical Congestion Score in Comparison with NT-proBNP for Prediction of Short-term Outcome in Acute Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Abstract  PDF
Liemena Harold Adrian, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Muhammad Rizki Fadlan, Cholid Tri Tjahjono, Anna Fuji Rahimah, Novi Kurnianingsih
Vol 1, No 2 (2020): The Assessment of Diagnostic and Treatment Modality in Heart Failure The Role of Congestion Index as Predictor Short-term Clinical Outcome in Patients AHF Abstract  PDF
Veny Kurniawati, Anna Fuji Rahimah, Cholid Tri Tjahjono, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Yoga Waranugraha
Vol 4, No 4 (2023): The Science and Art of Caring for Critically III Patients in Intensive Cardiac Care Unit ICCU The Complexity in Managing Acute Heart Failure Patients in Intensive Cardiac Care Unit Abstract  PDF
Yoga Waranugraha
Vol 2, No 1 (2021): How to Diagnose Heart Failure and Deal with The Treatment Complexity An Update of Armamentarium for Non Invasive Cardiac Haemodynamics and Congestion Evaluation for Acute Heart Failure Patients Abstract  PDF
Salvatore Di Somma
Vol 1, No 4 (2020): Acute Coronary Syndrome in Daily Practice : Diagnosis, Complication, and Management Male with Long Standing Heart Failure and Left Bundle Branch Block with Acute Chest Pain: Is It Needed for Urgent Revascularization? Abstract  PDF
Fahmy Rusnanta, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Setyasih Anjarwani, Ardian Rizal
Vol 4, No 4 (2023): The Science and Art of Caring for Critically III Patients in Intensive Cardiac Care Unit ICCU Diagnostic Test for Estimation of Plasma Volume on Assessment of Congestive Status in Acute Heart Failure Patients at Saiful Anwar General Hospital Abstract  PDF
Oktafin Srywati Pamuna, Indra Prasetya, Tri Astiawati, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Novi Kurnianingsih
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